Nature Travel Specialistsnature tours & travel, wildlife tours, adventure travel and general travel to Australia, Southeast Asia, South America, Alaska & Europe
Athens to the Black Sea
Sailing with Oceania aboard the premium small ship Regatta
Join us on a 12 day journey from Athens around the Black Sea to Istanbul. This small ship cruise, aboard the premium ship Regatta, has full day port stays as it circumnavigates the Black Sea, with extra time in Athens and Istanbul. See full details at our dedicated Black Sea Cruise pages. Going for a Mediterranean cruise will definitely be a great experience for you and your loved ones. The stunning scenery that you will see in the Mediterranean will definitely give you a feeling of utmost relaxation and comfort. Athens truly is a perfect destination for families and couples seeking a getaway that can relieve them of the stress brought by the daily grind. The awe-inspiring architecture and historical places that tell the history of Greece are just some of the reasons why Athens is a great getaway spot.
See all Oceania cruises including our 2 for 1, free air and stateroom discounts on our dedicated Oceania Cruises site.
Amsterdam to London via Floriade, Monet's Garden and the Chelsea Flower Show
Azamara Club Journey May 17 - 29
Join the premium small ship in Amsterdam to sail to Antwerp, Bruges, London and Paris, visiting some of the most significant flower shows and gardens in Europe during the Spring flower season. Floriade, the World Horticultural Expo in The Netherlands, is held just once every ten years on grounds covering about 160 acres, and will be our first amazing undertaking. In London we have two days to explore the amazing and oftern whimsical Chelsea Flower Show, Kew Gardens and several others, and London herself. Paris in the Spring is always a blaze of color, but we'll make a special trip to Giverny to visit Monet's own gardens.
please see our Azamara pages for more information
Wildlife Provençale - birding and wildlife tours in Provence with Andy Hargreaves. |